Odd Ball Blues
He was born on the wrong side of the century, too nice for his own good, believing wholly in half truths and meaner to himeslf than he...

Bye Bye Middle Class Blues
Moneymen mayhem the inns are full in Bethlehem, top ten to them pick to please the minutemen, don't let regret stop to learn the two...

Dear Dayton, OH
Backwood boys with their cistern toys reflect the clouds of childhood joys 'cause there's no such thing as a forest there anymore. The...

My Old Record Store
Once upon a time when life was young and the art of communication, came in the form of poetry dancing to tunes of innovation. Flawless...

Gypsy Jewel
Gypsy Jewel girl singer in the band, Spitting fire howling wolf at your command. Rolling eyes in her diamond dusky glow, can I taste your...