Bye Bye Middle Class Blues

Moneymen mayhem the inns are full in Bethlehem, top ten to them pick to please the minutemen, don't let regret stop to learn the two step, all set place bets on the glory you'll get. No hell to tell I'm in love with Kristen Bell, so swell feel well coming out of my shell, new pride to light ponder preacher's pot plight, life aint much without a giant appetite. So sing us the borrowed tunes, the one's everyone knows the words to, as they pimp it at the price that's just right for you- the bye bye middle class blues. Kick ass middle class 20 for a movie pass, over priced sufficed raped by the price of gas. No care health care too much to share, I swear beware no one said life was fair. Play Thor so bored what's one more war, eye sores galore drill off my shore, swallow swords eat words use pens no more, they've heard before the troubadour folklore. That sings us the borrowed tunes, the ones everyone knows the words to. As they pimp it at the price just right for you the bye bye middle class blues. Not long so wrong no collective bargain, big thanks O.H. glad you could negotiate, Wisconsin obscondin' with my pension fund, with thee I'm fond damn the worker's union. Black crown shut down the government downtown, excpect no check the bills we'll still collect. No go furlough makes them forego fun to fund congress cause boy that's essential. To sing us the borrowed tunes, the ones everyone knows the words to, as they pimp it at the price just right for you the bye bye middle class blues. Get bent dough spent raise the rent a Ben percent, bad clues to use working man you lose. Two jobs boss slobs, serve nobs nonstop decree degree useless you'll see. To sing us the borrowed tunes, the ones everyone knows the words to, as they pimp it at the price just right for you, the bye bye middle class blues.